Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Why is It Working?

I'm asking myself- WHY??.  Why is this already working so well?  5 pounds in one day is absolutely totally UN HEARD of!

Here's my own personal guesstimation.  My body- the one that pounded it for a year to lose a mere 12 pounds- is EAGER to get that extra weight off.  It's rejecting the chub I aquired over the past 3 weeks.  And along side the hCG, and the VLCD (very low calorie diet) it's working 'over-time' to burn off the added fat.

I only have 4 pounds to lose before I get back to the 205 weight I had gotten to after busting it in the gym for so long.  That, I believe, is going to be when I'm going to need the most encouragement.  I need to stay even more focused and more determined so I can break free from the 200's.

I believe in God.  I believe He is almighty and super powerful.  If I believe that... (I do!)  I also have to say that I believe there is a Devil.  He is horrendous and evil.  He has little demons roaming the earth, messing with God's children like the bully's they are.

I believe that there are milestones that Satan does NOT want us to hit.  He wants to keep us "bound".   This is what I believe to be totally true.

I'm aware that I'm bound in  many areas- and I'm praying to be loosed.  It's not gonna happen over night- that 'loosing'.  And I'm not just referring to 'fat'.

It's more than just a weight, or a jeans size.  On the surface?  Maybe it's not so obvious that the chub is just one way for Satan to keep me bound.  But, in the Spiritual......

Like I said before- I believe God is going to allow this protocol to teach ME how to use self-control.  Am I going to succeed?  Who knows.  I can't stake claim to that succees (yet).  God's given me the power.  The strength.  The ability to loose up what is binding me.  But- I gotta be real.  I have a stubborn flesh.  Really STUBBORN flesh.  God will use this to teach me- but I have to be willing to be 'taught'.

Anyway.  Back to the '205'.  I'm sure that it would destroy a lot of Satan's agenda's for me to break free from the 200 pound weight.  It's held me captive for  over 6 years.  Fluctuating up and down on the scale- maxing out at one point at 228+ pounds 6 years ago...... size 18 moving into a size 20.

 And after 2 more kids, and all my hard core efforts at the gym, I had gotten down to 205 pounds, and moving down from a size 16 to a 14.  Almost 25 pounds difference from 6 years ago- but it wasn't just 'weight'.  It was health.  I was strong.  Muscular.  (Still chubby), but really getting some tone and some shape.  Felt the best I had ever FELT.... EVER!  All from working out.  Cardio.  Weight Training. Swimming.  MOVING my body.....  I miss it so much.  I loved it.  I was addicted in the best possible way.

And like the SNAKE that he is, butt-head (Satan) tied me back up.  I made the excuses that he whispered into my ear (You're tired.  It's too much work to get all 3 kids out the door- just stay home...)  AHem!!  Note:  I MADE the excuses.  This isn't one of those 'the devil  made me do it' things.  It was MY FLESH that decided to be a slacker.  

Yeah.  That's where I'm at.  Fighting the chub.  Fighting the flesh.  Fighting the enemy.  I'm just fighting.  And I'm aware that I'm a super-pansy doing the whole arm-flailing fight because I don't know exactly where to fling- but I got an awesome Father God that has it alll perfectly planned out.  I may be flailing, because I lack the discipline, but He's directing my punches exactly where they need to go.


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