Tuesday, January 26, 2010

VLCD Day 7

Sweetness.  201.  Another pound gone.

How 'bout that?  I'm seeing the result of 13 pounds missing from my body, and it's very satisfying.

Eh.  I'm still a porker.... but?... a 13 pound LIGHTER porker- so I'm cool with it.  And my chub is distributing itself so nicely, and so balanced.

It's still hard.  And I'm still struggling with NOT eating other foods.  I wanted a cookie so bad this afternoon when I allowed the girls to polish off the last 4 of the cookies in the bag.  I only have 3 girls.  There was ONE left over.  Just one couldn't hurt me, right?  Wrong.  I managed to break that 4th cookie into third's so the girls  could share it.

My 6 year old is my little accountability partner- with out me even having to ask her to be.  When I told them they could have a cookie, she said "Who's going to get the last one?  You can't have it.  IT's sugar... AND it's wheat..."

And when I was eating lunch, she looked at my plate and asked "Is that meat made out of wheat or sugar?  Are you allowed to be eating that?"

I sliced a few pieces of cheese for the girls to have (yet another) snack, and walked around with that cheese in my hand- preparing to take  a bite.  LUCKILY I was on the phone, and I was waiting to take a bite of it for when I wasn't mid-conversation.  Just as I was bringing it to my mouth, I felt my hand pull away... "WHOA!!!" I almost eat a piece of cheese!  Ahhhh!!!  I still have to get used to this very limited diet.

Today's Foods:
Small Organic Apple
Laura's Lean Burger (grilled- 4 oz.)  I confess.  I had some organic ketchup, too. Yum.  It was good.
Grilled Chicken topped with Salsa (tomatoes, garlic, pepper, acv, nothing else added)
Green Beans flavored with garlic

I've still had a hard time drinking the water I'm suppose to drink through out the day.  I think I just forget to chug.  So- again- it's later on in the evening that I'm trying to compensate for my lack of focus in the H2O consumption.

On another note- this protocol allows for specific food in specific amounts.

I have had the hardest time with 'little beggars' during my meal time.  "Mommy- can I have that apple" (yes- the very apple I'm in the middle of eating- my answer is "uh- you JUST had an apple- this is my breakfast")  or  "Mommy- can you let me have just one piece of that clementine?"  "Mommy?  Can I have some chicken, too" (you already had lunch!!!)

 This was a problem before I started eating VLC, but I just used it as an excuse to help myself to 'seconds'.  "Well?  I didn't get to eat all of my dinner.  I had to share it.... I guess I'll have another piece of cake."

Golly-gee I'm hungry!

I keep telling myself  "Stick with it- that it's gonna be worth it."  And then I battle with my "other" self that says "No way 'Jose, there's no way you can do this another 31 days."

Every morning that I get on that scale and see another pound gone, I feel encouraged and ready to start another day's battle by the time I work my way into the kitchen and drink my super-dark-roasted black coffee.  (Which, by the way, did I mention I have 3 kids that keep me super crazy busy?  I almost NEVER get to finish a cup of coffee while it's still hot.  I miss those days.  Hot coffee.  There's not substitute.  Lukewarm doesn't really make the cut.)

So-  there's my Day 7.  I haven't been in love with this whole protocol aside from seeing the scale move- and if I discount the exhaustion and the headaches, and the hunger pangs, I'd say this was the awesomest diet EVER!

(P.S. I have heard tale that 'stay at home mom's have it much harder because they exert way more energy chasing around their little chit-lens (children for the non-southerner)'.

IF there is anyone reading this that feels discouraged by my whiney-whine, just consider that I am in a constant state of mental and physical exhaustion aside from being on the hcg protocol.  Hcg just makes it a little tougher cause I lack the extra 'pick me up'  from extra calories I was used to getting)

Avg. per day loss: 1.85 pounds
Beginning Weight: 214
Weight Today: 201

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