Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Load Day 2

January 18, 2010

 I woke up this morning (barely) and made an attempt at a 'black' cup of coffee.  I needed to know what kind of terror I was going to be face with in the morning with out my creamy half and half (full fat thank you very much!) I tasted the blacky blackness of the dark roast, starbucks strength coffee, and thought "I can totally DO THIS!"

One obstacle- faced- and soon to be conquered.  No half and half.

I've not eaten anything yet. Heree it is- 11:16 a.m. and I'm suppose to be stuffing myself full of fatty- fat- fat foods. It's hard.  Really- it's hard.  The hcg KILLS the appetite.

Last night I topped off my 1st Load Day with a bowl of guacamole and salsa scooped high atop tortilla chips.  I had Mayfield Moose Tracks and some Smartfood popcorn.

The guilt with the above night time meal is that there wasn't a whole lotta nutritional soundness in it.  The salsa and guacamole were all natural, healthy, and whole- but that icecream and gorged popcorn led me to guilt.

It's harder than you could think of to stuff yourself.  It really is.  The thought of eating annoys me- I'm not hungry.  My body is being forced into something it's not wanting to do.  My mind is too.

My meal plan today?

Lots and lots and LOTS of pecans.  (20 grams of fat per 1/4 cup.)  More guacamole and salsa.  (Avacodo has a more pleasing sort of fat).  I want to find more fatty foods to eat so that I don't have to load for a 3rd day, and really REALLY do not want to eat crappy fat.  I'm almost tempted to just drink OLIVE oil or something (ewww.  gross!).

Here's a little tid-bit of  insight on this diet-

WHY am I'm Loading on Fat.....?

*HCG starts out like this:

Loading for 2-3 days with high fat foods- lots and lots of fat alongside the HCG.  The next 37 or 38 days are Very Low Calorie Days.  500 calories- alongside the HCG.

Your body is forced, through the HCG, to use the 'locked' fat rather than the structural or the reserved fat when you're on this super low calorie (almost starvation mode) diet.  Instead of your body starving itself- losing structural fat, and reserved fat your body is tricked into thinking it has to hang onto these important fats and it unlocks  (read below to understand)

(taken from  Dr. Simeons Protocol )

In the human body we can distinguish three kinds of fat. The first is the structural fat which fills the gaps between various organs, a sort of packing material. Structural fat also performs such important functions as bedding the kidneys in soft elastic tissue, protecting the coronary arteries and keeping the skin smooth and taut. It also provides the springy cushion of hard fat under the bones of the feet, without which we would be unable to walk.

The second type of fat is a normal reserve of fuel upon which the body can freely draw when the nutritional income from the intestinal tract is insufficient to meet the demand. Such normal reserves are localized all over the body. Fat is a substance which packs the highest caloric value into the smallest space so that normal reserves of fuel for muscular activity and the maintenance of body temperature can be most economically stored in this form. Both these types of fat, structural and reserve, are normal, and even if the body stocks them to capacity this can never be called obesity.

But there is a third type of fat which is entirely abnormal. It is the accumulation of such fat, and of such fat only, from which the overweight patient suffers. This abnormal fat is also a potential reserve of fuel, but unlike the normal reserves it is not available to the body in a nutritional emergency. It is, so to speak, locked away in a fixed deposit and is not kept in a current account, as are the normal reserves.
When an obese patient tries to reduce by starving himself, he will first lose his normal fat reserves. When these are exhausted he begins to burn up structural fat, and only as a last resort will the body yield its abnormal reserves, though by that time the patient usually feels so weak and hungry that the diet is abandoned. It is just for this reason that obese patients complain that when they diet they lose the wrong fat. They feel famished and tired and their face becomes drawn and haggard, but their belly, hips, thighs and upper arms show little improvement. The fat they have come to detest stays on and the fat they need to cover their bones gets less and less. Their skin wrinkles and they look old and miserable. And that is one of the most frustrating and depressing experiences a human being can have.

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