Friday, January 22, 2010

VLCD Day 4...... continued

What.  EVER!

I am tired of being tired and really not feeling this diet/protocol.

Nah.  I've not cheated.  Ohhh.  I want to.  My husband and the girls had Papa John's tonight for dinner.  Guess who placed the order?  Me-me-me-me-me.  It made me in a bad mood just clicking on all the toppings that were going to go on their pizza. (online ordering)

Made it even TOUGHER when my husband walked in the door in the midst of a screaming 2 year old and a screaming/growling belly with yummy smelling pizza taunting me; begging me to just snag one pepperoni.  Just one.  Just eat one...... And. I. DID. NOT.

All night last night and then today I watched hCG "vloggers" on youtube.  It helps- oddly enough- to know I'm not alone in this journey- but it doesn't make the hunger or the 'withdrawls' any easier.  Someone said "It's not really hunger- it's mental."  I could agree to that for maybe 50% of my hunger- but the other half of it- HAH!  My belly growls for itself.  That's not mental.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Thanks for the fabulous comment! Stalk away...I'm cool with it!

    Cooking for my family is TORTURE! I hate it and I'm getting mad that no one (my sister lives with us too) has offered to make a meal or bring anything home for everyone.

    I'm going to the store today and I'm buying them a bunch of frozen meals because I can't take it anymore!!

    Hang in there....that first week your stomach is feeling empty because it's getting used to less food. It gets better in the second week.
