Tuesday, January 26, 2010

VLCD Day 8

HOLY GUACAMOLE!!!    I'm on the big Two-Oh-Oh!!!!!

It's amazing.  Just one more pound and I will see the 'under 200' mark that I've not seen in over 7 years!!!

And of course- I know myself really really well.   I subconciously sabatoge myself anytime I get close to breaking free from 200 pounds.

This morning, for example- I was feeling ROUGH.  Super rough.
My ear hurts.  I have a tooth-ache.  My head hurts. I'm grumpy.  Just Grrrrrrr!!!

Eating a *&$% APPLE again for breakfast wasn't going to work- I'm not eating an apple for a few days.  I'm burnt out.....  Coffee wasn't making me happy, either.

I made my girls smoothies:  All Natural Yogurt, Frozen Peaches, Pineapple, Orange Juice.     It tasted like a yummy Cream-Cicle.  I had, er, I ate/drank/consumed/inhaled/scarfed-down....... (maybe) 4 ounces of the smoothie.  It was a cheat for SURE, but it wasn't a cookie- and it wasn't cheese.  It was a whole, all natural, super healthy replacement for that stankin' apple.

Is it possible that smoothie set me back a day or two from getting under 200?  Eh... maybe.  I doubt it, though.  Today's going to be an active day.  We have LOTS to do.  And I am going to be giving away all the calories (energy)  I get to have today- AND THEN some.

I'm already ready for bed- and it's only 9:30 AM.  How SAD!
