Thursday, January 21, 2010


It's 8:20 AM.  I woke up around 7:00.  Peed.  Stripped. (I remembered to bring my scale to the upstairs bathroom) and weighed myself.

Down another 3 pounds.

I was at 214.  Then 209. I'm at 206 now.

It varied on the 206 and the 206.8  after a few times.  I don't know why.  The scale was in our kitchen for a long LONG time because in the kitchen, the subfloor is concrete- and it makes the scale perfectly balanced.  Upstairs, in the bathroom, it's a wooden floor- and linolium.  Not that solid.  Hence the variation.  I should also note that the scale was in the kitchen for so long, too, because there isn't a good space to put the scale anywhere else.  AND- I wasn't having to weigh myself naked- so it was easier.

Yesterdays hunger pangs were worth it- yet again!  I'm sipping coffee and water- and I'm going to wait until later on in the morning to have my apple sauce.  I'm not hungry at ALL right now.  Not even a little bit.

My head hurts, though.  I can't explain it any other way than to say, "I feel like I'm hung over from too many glasses of wine."  You know how, if you have 2 or 3 glasses of wine, you wake up with a 'heavy head'.  That's how I feel.  A heavy head.

I've been giving myself a count down "Only 38 more days to go... only 37 more days to go.. " but I've made up my mind to tell myself I only have ONE more day to go.  I have to take this day by day (BY DAY!)  And truth be told- if after 20 days I feel like I need to take a break- I can.  I really wouldn't want to do that, though.  IT's a forty day venture, and because I believe God has it in His plan to teach me a few things during this protocol, I have to make sure I keep my eye on the prize: Education!  40 is the number that represents TRIAL.  I need to be willing to stick out the trial.


It's now 12:45.  I totally skipped breakfast (aside from my coffee and hCG)  I mean- really- I just was not in the least bit hungry.

So, about 20 minutes ago I had my grilled chicken... and out of obligation I felt like I needed to eat something else, so I just finished my 4 oz. cup of apple sauce.


Really full.  Not just 'satisfied', but like "Ohhhh....  I couldn't eat another ounce."

 I chugged about 16 oz of water before my apple sauce, and I think that really filled me up the most.

To be continued.........


  1. Just came across your blog...

    Congrats on the weight loss :)

  2. Thanks Lisa. I'm enjoying your blog, too.
