Saturday, January 23, 2010


202.6 this morning.

Another pound gone....  whoop whoop!!  

It's not as satisfying as that first 5 pounds, or the other 3 pounds..... but I expected it to taper off to about pound-a-day at this point.  

Not eating that pizza last night was WORTH IT.  I had to 'talk to myself' over and over, "It won't be worth it- you'll be really mad at yourself if you give in- you're swearing off bread for life anyway- just get used to it."

I do a lot of talking to myself these days.  Aside from feeling all cooky and strange while my body adjust to not being stuffed-to-capacity with loads of carbohydrates, I'm feeling even more cookey going through reminders in my brain "OH! Don't lick your finger- wipe that ice cream on a napkin, missy!" and "It wouldn't be nice for you to throw away that bag of chips just because you're being tempted by them."

I'm feeling a bit of anxiety over the 2 boiled eggs I had for dinner tonight, too.  (and this is an ever stranger train of thought for me.  I mean?  Whoop-Tee-Doo.  2 boiled eggs.  I'm used to feeling guilty for eating 5 pieces of pizza for dinner- or like- eating a half a pan of brownies for dessert.  Even still- I'm paranoid that the 2 eggs were not okie-dokie to eat).  

Geeesh. This is not normal for me.  Nothing about anything I have done in the past 7 days have been at all normal.

Seriously, though; back to the eggs- I was limited on my choices. The grilled chicken and grilled lean-burger patties I had prepared earlier this week were gone.  It was either eggs- or NADA.  I went with the eggs.  My belly would never have forgiven me if I'd gone with Nada.  Being more prepared is going to have to be (yet another) lesson I learn during this protocol.  I should've made more food "Just-In-Case".

On here I should also log my food and drink.  For the record- today I had:
Coffee (added milk again this morning)
Tea (Tension Tamer)
Sugar Free Red Bull (I couldn't help it.  My husband was grabbing himself one, and I was like "OH- if they have sugar free get one for me, too!!!"  And whud-ya-know, they had sugar free.   It was good.  Mmmmm....  So.  GOOD!)
Laura's Lean Burger (grilled)
Organic Apple (very small)
Water and Water and Water and then a LOT more water (this is all through all the day)
2 boiled eggs + 1 egg white from a boiled egg (I read somewhere that you should have atleast 3 egg whites if you supplement your protein with egg)
Spinach (cooked in water, garlic salt and onion seasoning)
And then, just to mix it up a bit, I had Water. with Lemon.  My favorite.

I'm feeling very satisfied right now-  Those eggs made my belly so  happy.  The spinach?  Not so much.  I had to throw half of it away.  I think it was the onion.

Still having head aches and feeling 'weak'.

  I'm a BUM these days, too.  This afternoon we were cleaning  and I got all dizzy and strange feeling.  I sat down for a sec.  Stood up.  Got dizzy again and told the hubby I needed reinforcements.  He was soooo sweet- and totally obliged while I sat there..... and did.... nothing.

I don't like doing 'nothing'.  It's not normal.

PLUS!  If I do 'nothing', nothing will get done.  (is that like a Chinese proverb or something?)

Being a stay-at-home mom and a home school mom doesn't really allow room for 'nothing' to be hanging out around our house.

I've allowed myself a week to spend quality time with 'nothing' while my body makes it's necessary adjustments, but after that, it's time to kick it to the curb and get my bootie-hiney in gear doing something!

I can't believe I'm only on Day 5-  "Oh Woe is ME!"  33 more days to GO!
It feels like it's been a whole-lot-of-FOREVER since I've been on this protocol.
And then I think " Eh?  5 days and 11.4 pounds."  That makes it sweeter.  Eleven point Four pounds gone in only 5 days!!  YEP.  That's way sweet.
I'm totally crazy about Youtube's hcg-vloggers.  I so want to VLOG.  Watching everybody else is such a huge help for me, and I feel like I should contribute to the cause.

I also tried creating a video ( like 12 times).  Every time I started, I'd get a few minutes into it and get interrupted by

'I wan a sippy pease'
 'I'm hungry'
 'Can we go outside an play'

I mean?   I can't even go pee-pee on the potty by myself with out an interruption (today for example: my 4 year old asked  "Are you pooping-on-the-potty?  No?!  Why not? Oh?  Then why is your butt so big?)

So... Ya.....Making a video-blog with out interruption is totally out of the question .  It was funny, actually- because my kids were looking at me like I was a total fruit-cake when I attempted the v-log.  My 2 year old walked into the dining room and started cackling when she saw her mommy 'talking to herself'.  My 6 year old walked in..... look horrifed...  and THEN started giggling, "What are you doing, Mommy?"

Maybe I'll vlog tonight?  After I'm done blogging.

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