Thursday, January 28, 2010

VLCD Day 10 (Just Desserts)

I got my 'just desserts' this morning on the scale.

Did I mention I'm a self-sabotager?   201.6.  That's right.  Gain. 1.6 pounds.

From my cheat on Day 8.  I did fine yesterday.  No caloric cheating.  But the gain showed it's ugly face this morning.  I have no terrible concerns about it.  I know what I need to do to make it 'right'.  Lesson learned.


  1. That's right. Every time that happens look at it as a learning lesson NOT a failure. The road is not perfectly'll get there :)

  2. I cheated around that time too. And it took a few days for me to get back on track.

    You'll do better did learn your lesson. and I'm pretty sure everyone does it.
