Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Where am I?


Last year I lost a grande total of 12 pounds.  From 217 down to 205.  It took hours and hours upon hours at the YMCA.  Elyptical and Weight Training.  Zumba and Yoga.  Swimming and Sauna.

One year.  12 pounds.  I EVEN spent money at a weight loss clinic and took Phenteremine.  It's like 'legal speed' people say.  Ya.  It sped my everything up- everything but weight loss!!  I was glad to get off that stuff.  I was just not "ME" when I took it.  Didn't really work long distance like I'd thought (and HOPED) it would.

Anyway!  I'm 5'9.  I'm TALL.....I carry all the chub in the upper body.  Belly mostly.  

Long legged.  Seriously- NEVER had a problem with lower body weight.  Fat, for some reason, didn't like hanging around my butt or my thighs.   The word on the street is that I have "A cute butt.  And great legs."

Ok.  The street = my husband.   But- whatever....

The hardest, most challenging frustration is that big o' belly of mine!!  It won't leave.  I hate it.

So, one year, 12 pounds.  3 weeks... I got all 12 pounds BACK!  Isn't that lovely??!!  I lost and gained and lost and currently- as the scale read to me this morning my starting weight on the HCG VLCD is :





I hate it.

I was ALMOST OUT of the 200's.  Got as low as 203 a few months ago.  And BAM!!!  I shot back up to my original weight.  Blind-Sighted.  And- guess what!  I did NOT gain the weight during Thanksgiving.  Or Christmas.  It was AFTER Christmas Day that the chub started working itself back onto my waist line.

So.  Let's break it down.
Height:  5'9
Weight: 214
Jean Size: 16 (sometimes 14)
Bust/Bra: 40 C  (I may shrink in cup size (hope not)- that's why I'm posting it)

I can't post waist measurements yet.  I don't have a thingy- you know- the measure thingy.

Those terrors will come later.


  1. We are almost identical. I lost 10 pounds from Jan 2009 to September and then gained half of it back.

    And I'm 5'8 and a 40 C....are we long lost twins or something?

  2. WE must be!!!! That's hilarious.
