Friday, February 26, 2010

Do What Works

Since bowing out of my first round (with hCG in my corner)- I have been in constant turmoil over how to continue losing weight with out having to depend on ANY supplement to help me out.

As I've noted before- I tried going to a Weight Loss Clinic initially (about a year ago?) to lose some extra baggage.  It wasn't that great- taking Phentermine to reduce my appetite.  Aside from the fact that I was a jitter-bug on the medicine; I was also lethargic when I didn't take it.  The medication did NOT control my habits- it very simply made me forget that I really loved food.  If I happened to be at a place that reminded me that I was missing out on my favorite past-time- I'd partake; hungry or not.

hCG was opposite of Phentermine.  I was hungry--- MOST of the time--- and constantly reminded how much I loved food.  I very simply HAD to use self-control.  With that- I saw definite results.  Real results.   And this is the key: Doing what works.  Learning how to eat for nourishment rather than pleasure.  In a sense- I've got to retrain myself.  So- hCG isn't a miracle drug like most have said.  It's a training mechanism for those of us who were never taught how to use self-control.

I'm getting ready to place an order for a full 40 day round of hCG.  I feel the need to complete my initial goal of getting through a 40 day journey in order to truly attain ultimate self-control.  There are also a few key points I failed to realize 'last-go-round'.  A.  I was drinking carbonated beverages to try to lessen my  huger pangs and get more doses of caffeine because I was so-so-so-very tired!  They were sugar-free, but full of toxins.

 I also feel confident that I have some sort of  underlying b12 deficiency- and though while I was taking b12 with my sublingual doses of hCG, I don't feel as though it was nearly enough.  I plan to supplement with injections if my doctor will allow it.  If not- I found a really awesome supplement that my sister and I are totally hooked on.  One energy shot contains 8333% of B12 and 2000% of B6.

One of the harshest obstacles before was how totally and completely exhausted I was.  I don't wanna be so 'out of it' when I try again next month.

 I want to be thinner- and as it stands- what works for me to even get close to my goal has been hCG.

 I'm a very average lookin' gal.  Not much to look at... though unique in my appearance. I often wonder (when I notice folks staring at me)  if I look really weird to most people?  It seems as if I am self-conscience- but I'm not really so much.     I'm comfortable with myself- and I'm thankful for that.  BUT!  I want to be thinner.  

 Weird looking or not- I like myself...... and my ultimate goal is to get a little more comfortable with "me"   ;-)


  1. What have you tried without taking any supplements? I'm all for the Hcg program if it works for you. Doesn't seem physically harmful and if it is what you need to get the mental edge on your food addiction, so be it.

    While not a chemical supplement, I guess I use the Bodybugg with caloric tracking (both burn and consumption) as my "tool" to keep my discipline. I think it has helped me figure out what the "cost" of the food is that I do eat and keep making better choices.

    There has to be a balance between enjoying food and just eating to keep from fainting. I'm still working on it, but I think I'm closer to a sustenance view than an emotional view on it.

    Good luck on your next round!

  2. Kyle. I'll be so thankful to get to the point to eat for nourishment- and enjoy it... rather than eating to simply enjoy it!

    I'll have to look into Bodybugg!

    It is ideal to physically see the COST of food. I've never thought of it that way, actually. Seeing what food 'cost' us physically?? Wow! Talk about revelation!

    I would NEVER buy anything with out a price tag; it'd hurt my bank account too much. It's a new focal point in this weight loss journey that I really appreciate.

  3. I have to say....the hCG journey has been the most eye opening and successful I've had. It's also a trial and error for each person. You find what works for you.

    I'm glad you're going to give it another go!

  4. Hey girl..

    Just wanted to let you know I had to redo my blog, so I'm at a new location now :)

    Now..I need to catch up on your posts...
