Tuesday, March 16, 2010

'Bout to Get on that Wagon

I've been off the wagon.    And I feel like I've fallen off a high speed 12 horse wagon at that!

It's so gross to binge and gain weight after feeling so refreshed  and clean from NOT overeating AND losing weight.  So?  This is why I haven't been blogging any weight loss.  I haven't had any weight loss- still.  Just weight gain.  And have I mentioned how gross I feel?

HCG, as I've said before- is making it's way back into my life.  I'm patiently waiting on it to get here.  I was gonna have to wait a lot longer, but my sweet friend that ordered it for me before made another order- and I'm blessed to be able to sit in on her order this time around (again).

I am not seeking the skinny jeans.  I'm seeking RELIEF.  So... this is it.  I'm just hanging out- waiting on the arrival, and waiting on the "FUN" to begin.  I have much MUCH much more determination this go 'round.

40 days.  40.  I will complete the ENTIRE 40 days.


  1. Yes, you will! I'm placing an order SOON! I'm so excited! You can do this!

  2. Let me know when you get your order. There's a huge need for support when doing this protocol. It's rigorous!

  3. I'm so excited for you to get started again!
