Friday, February 12, 2010

Uncertain Movement

Really.  It's been up and down for the past few days.  The scale.  My thoughts.  My goals?  What's GOING ON?!?!

(Knock. Knock.  T.O.M???  Is that you?  You might be a little early.... could you come back NEVER.  I hate you the most.  You're evil.  Go away!)

I should have just kept pressing on.  I should have gone the full course and pushed through the challenge I was facing when I quit the hCG.  I wasn't yet recovered from my food addiction.  I  need another detox.  I need another session of "Hello, My name is....... and I'm an addict."  I need that podium to stand on and admit my addiction.  I need the floor, please.


"Hello.  My name is Amber.  And I am addicted to food."

"When I eat, it's a painful awareness that I may  not be able to stop myself."

"Not having  a guideline and a plan takes me to an out of control place.  I am overwhelmed with options.  I over indulge.  And then.  I have guilt."

"I want to quit.  I want to stake claim to my once-before-announced goal to NEVER again eat wheat.  (I always feel lethargic and gross after eating it.)  And staying away from sugar. (I can't control myself- it's best to stay away all together)

"Without  a guideline.  A lifetime guideline, that is.  With out it- I am setting myself up for failure."

"Eat when your hungry.  Stop when your satisied."  It's the Weigh Down way.  But I find fear and nervousness rising up when I attempt this.  "Wait?!  Am I satisfied?  Am I hungry???"  The truth is- I have no idea!

hCG gave me a hope- in a sense- to overcome my addiction to food.  I failed myself when I gave up half way through it.  I KNEW better!!!!   I really did.  I comprehended that THIS WAS my 'road to recovery'.  It was.  I was almost finished being addicted to food.  And I gave it all up.

What do people do when they drop out of their Addicts Anonymous class?  How do they start over again!?!


  1. I'm sorry you feel so badly about the weight loss thing. It's so difficult. I understand totally!!

    When you've not been eating for hunger/fullness for so long....Weigh Down is completely overwhelming. We have a millions of conflicting messages in our society about how to lose weight, what to eat, what not to eat. Just look at the weight loss section of a bookstore...there are hundreds of books. It's overwhelming and frustrating at times.

    I know the feeling of wanting to raid the frig and then the pantry....and maybe the neighbors frig :) I hope you find something doable that works for you soon...

    Hang in there...

  2. Amber,

    For me, I have now tended to oversimplify because I also can over analyze.

    I'm a food addict too. Whenever I find myself on the edge, I stick to one simply question..."Am I Doing The Best that I Can"

    So far, that has kept me from jumping. When I pause and think about it, indulging and going off my plan simply won't be doing the best that I can, every moment of every day.

    That includes avoiding food as a reward for simply doing something well with exercise or using food for stress management. Since there are other means of rewards and managing stress, I know that I wouldn't be doing my very best if I succumb to food for those solutions.

    Keep it honest, keep it simple, keep doing your best!

  3. I am so thankful for this blog- and for the comments and empathy from my fellow blogger friends! Thank you!! THANK YOU!!!
