Monday, February 8, 2010

Life is CRAZY!!!!!!

Sunday was my official last day on the VLCD.

Life got to me.  There are so many chaotic things that happen in the life of a mom- the one that has 3 kids- those kids being YOUNG- and at home- and home educated, and I've not mentioned the trials and tribulations of marriage.

So.  Life got me.  I had to 'prioritize' and refocus.   What is going to make my 'life' work?  Being exhausted and incapable of full-functionability?  Nah!!!  That certainly hasn't been working for me.  I mean?  I lost 17 pounds.... it worked the scale down... but that's not all that matters, is it?

I  had full intentions of carrying out the 40 day journey.  But it was like- I woke up this morning, and I had nothing left.  Nothing.

It has been the roughest journey- but I must admit; I have enjoyed the self-controlled process on the path I've been on.  I look forward to getting into a work out routine.  I look forward to PROTEIN in mass quantities.  That's gonna feel great!  I look forward to continuing to use self-control (tomorrow) and making wise choices for what I put in my body.

Let me be honest, now.  I didn't carry out phase 2 today.  I just 'went' with it.  No excuses:  Sure!  I had a busy day and I had not prepared myself for phase 2- but I coulda made it work.  I just didn't!  I had soup (potato, bacon, red pepper, and gouda stuff from this little coffee place)  I secretly wished I had just eaten my apple and drank my water.  I felt 'dirty'.

And when I got home after a gruelingly long day of errands- my husband had ordered pizza.  2 pieces of Chicken, Pineapple, and Bacon, I ate.  And I was wishing I had just sucked it up and had 4 oz of cottage cheese instead.

And for dinner- I did FULLY intend on just NOT eating anything- maybe an apple if I needed to?  But I had a ham and cheese on 9 grain organic wheat bread instead.  *bangs head* Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!!!

Tomorrow is a new day.  I feel like crap right now.  Pizza?  Ugh!  Barf.  What was I thinking?!?!
 I still need to focus on the fact that wheat/gluten is my enemy and I need to keep it far away from me!

I'm not totally giving up on hCG.  I really am NOT.  There is a lot of satisfaction in being required to abstain from the "regular-world-life-of-FOOD" {consumption}.  Maybe I'll call this my "interruption?" I just have to get back on the wagon when I can focus more clearly on it.

 I intend on being a hard-core calorie counter (tomorrow). I also intend on being rid of wheat/gluten, starches, and sugars for the remainder of my 'interruption'.

As a side note- at the mention of sugar- can I just announce that it is amazing that I've not craved the FIRST cookie.  Or brownie!  Or ice cream?  Or choco... oh wait! I did feel my mouth water a little bit at the thought of chocolate.....  but I shan't give in.

Tomorrow is a new day.  (have I said that? ......)  I'll begin again, minus hCG, but PLUS a new outlook on food and my attachment (or lack-there-of) to it.  Calories will be counted.  Food WILL be totally healthy.  I WILL be logging (on here- God help me) what I eat.  I will maintain a feeling of accountability.

...........sigh........... WHY! Oh WHY! Did I eat that pizza?!?!?!  I feel it molding itself to my belly.

1 comment:

  1. Pizza does it everytime!! It beckons and calls my name. Then...cheesecake.....YUM!!!!!

    Good luck on your next step of the journey...
