It has been FOR-evah since I've even bothered posting on this particular blog.
Really? It's mostly cause I've been a supreme slacker in every generic area pertaining to weight loss.
I've been eating what ever it is I feel like eating.
I've been NOT working out. Not even a little bit.
And I've gained more weight that I've wanted, but certainly not as much weight as I've deserved to gain.
Once I figure out how to change that ticker- I will- but for now I'm laying it out in total honesty (and humility) and saying that I'm now at 209. Two-Oh-Nine. Yuck. Gross. DANG!!!
I'm not back in the saddle of hCG. I never went through with the other round. The order fell through, and I never pursued it again.
I'm not on some diet, or diet pill, or anything like that.
I'm (gasp!!!) EXERCISING!!!
That's right. Getting' physical!
Starting out- I'm at Taekwondo classes 3x per week. An hour per class.
(Sore buns and achy muscles are free with membership.)
I have felt great and terrible all at the same time!! Pain. Really- this chick is limping around like an old lady, and more often than not, I've envisioned myself buying a cane.
After my first class- no kidding- my eyebrows hurt (along with my rump and my thighs and my abs and my toes).
It's getting.... not easier?.... um... more tolerable.... now that I'm 6 classes in. I feel better (mentally) already!
I've learned how to suck up 'hot water only' sessions in the shower, having the water fall on my shoulders, my back, and my bootie. It hurts, but afterwards, my muscles are soooo loose and not as achy- so I stretch, and I've found quite a bit of relief using that method. Crazy, I know- but Mama ain't got no hot-tub, so we do what we can, with what we have......
Next up, now what I've done, but what I'm gonna be doing- I'm going back to my favoritest place EVER. Our local YMCA. I'll be focusing on my cardio more there- since Taekwondo has proven to work my muscle groups supremely well. Zumba classes- I'm sooo excited about taking those. My long-lost friend the Elyptical... can't wait to put my earbuds in and go to town with 'her'. More so- I can't wait to give my 3 year old something to 'do' during the week while I 'do' my thing. She gets to meet and play with new friends, I get to zone out and cardio-whip my butt into shape. It's a totaly win-win.
So. That's what's up over here. I'm working out. I'm in love and in hate with it.
And why am I doing this?? Why now? Why take (almost) a year off and then get back to it?
Probably cause I'm gonna hit the big 3-0 in 4 months. And THIRTY is the "hold onto your fat" age. It's the "you wanna lose weight? TOOOO BAD!!!!!" age. Once you hit 30, health and wellness doubles in difficulty.
Hear me out. I may as well call myself 30. My body is probably already there- in the 'hold onto it' mode. BUT!?! I remember a few years ago when I said (big mouth that I am) " I wanna get in the best shape possible before I'm 30..... "
Ya. I forgot about that little proclamation. 4 months? Not a realistic time frame to get 'in the best shape EVER'. But? It's a start, and that's where I'm at.
I'm starting. I'm in the saddle. I may never run the horse in a race, but BY GOLLY-JEEPERS- I'm gonna take that thang around the track!
Trust God and Do Good
5 years ago
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